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Programa de XVIII International Information Security Conference of ISMS Forum
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08.30hs |
Registro/ Registration |
Bienvenida/ Welcome 09.00hs |
Track 1: Teatro Fernando de Rojas Palabras de bienvenida/ Welcoming remarks. ENRIQUE SÁNCHEZ DE LEÓN, Director General, APD. GIANLUCA D'ANTONIO, Chairman, ISMS Forum Spain; Director académico, IE Master of Cybersecurity; Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), FCC Group. |
Sesiones simultáneas/ Parallel sessions 09.15hs |
Sesiones simultáneas/ Parallel sessions 09.45hs |
Sesiones simultáneas/ Parallel sessions 10.15hs |
11.00hs |
Coffee and pastries: Hall "Salón de Baile" |
Sesiones simultáneas/ Parallel sessions 11.30hs |
Sesiones simultáneas/ Parallel sessions 12.00hs |
Sesiones simultáneas/ Parallel sessions 12.50hs |
Keynote 13.40hs |
Track 1: Teatro Fernando de Rojas Keynote: "Security vs Surveillance: Law Enforcement Access to Secure Communications". BRUCE SCHNEIER, Security Guru. |
14.00-15.30hs |
Almuerzo/ Lunch: "Lounge Salón de Baile" |
Keynote 15.30hs |
Track 1: Teatro Fernando de Rojas
Keynote: "NIS Directive and European Cybersecurity Market".
JAKUB BORATYNSKI, Head of Unit Trust and Security, Directorate-General Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission.
Keynote 16.00hs |
Track 1: Teatro Fernando de Rojas Keynote: "SAP vulnerabilities-and-exploits". ANDREAS WIEGENSTEIN, Chief Technology Officer, Virtual Forge. |
Keynote 16.30hs |
Track 1: Teatro Fernando de Rojas Keynote: "Identity-Centric Security" JORDI GASCÓN, Senior Director Presales, CA Technologies. |
Keynote 17.00hs |
Track 1: Teatro Fernando de Rojas Keynote: "The CEO's View on Cybersecurity and Privacy as Key Innovation Factors" LUIS MARTÍN, Chief Executive Officer, Barrabés. |
Keynote 17.30hs |
Track 1: Teatro Fernando de Rojas Keynote: "Tendencias del mercado de la ciberseguridad en España". MIGUEL REGO, Chief Executive Officer, INCIBE. |
18.00-19.00hs |
Sorteo de regalos/ Prize drawing Gin tonic patrocinado por / Gin tonic powered by Clausura/ Clausure |